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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Privacy Policy of the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank?
At the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank (RHCFB), we protect your personal information and adhere to all legislation concerning the protection of privacy, as per the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
We do not sell, rent or share your contact information. The information you provide will be used to process payments, issue tax receipts, and help us with strategic planning.
If you have a question or concern about any collection, use or disclosure of personal information by RHCFB, or about a request for access to your own personal information, and/or to opt out of all communications, please contact: 

What is the face mask policy at the food bank?

As of July 2023, wearing of a face mask is voluntary for clients and volunteers.

Can I/my child complete the mandatory 40 hours of volunteer work required to graduate high school at the food bank? 

We do accept student volunteers.  Student volunteers pack grocery items at partner grocery stores on weekend mornings (2 and1/2 hours). However, we have a full complement of student volunteers for the winter of 2024. Please check back with this website in spring of 2025 to see if we need new student volunteers.


Will the food bank pick up donations at my church/school/business? 
Although we appreciate any and all donations, due to staffing limitations we are unable to pick up your donations. Please call the executive director to make arrangements to drop off your donations.


Are there group volunteer or team-building opportunities for my business/church group/school class at the food bank?
Limited team activities are needed at this time. Please contact us after the Christmas food drives at to see when your group or organization could be needed.


Can I arrange to bring my Scout/Guide/class/school/church group for a tour of the food bank?
After hours tours can sometimes be provided on a very limited basis, at less busy times of the year. However, we can’t allow children in our warehouse, due to workplace safety and liability issues.


Can I donate food items that are near their best-before dates or past the expiry dates? 
The food bank only accepts non-perishable food that has not yet reached its best-before (BB) date. We do not accept food that has surpassed an expiry (EXP) date or that has been opened/partially used. 


Can I get a tax receipt when I make a monetary donation?
An official tax receipt will be issued for all cash/cheque donations.


What identification do I need to receive food from the food bank?
Persons requesting food from the food bank must provide confirmation of residency for a Richmond Hill or Thornhill address. Documents accepted to confirm residency are listed under the “NEED HELP” tab on the main web page.

How old do you have to be to volunteer at the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank?

All volunteers must be 14 years of age or over. All student and adult applicants must be double vaccinated and will need to fill out the volunteer application and return it IN PERSON to our executive director during opening hours. However, we have a full complement of student and adult volunteers for winter of 2024, we aren't taking any more at this time.
Does the food bank supply grocery bags? 
We encourage all clients to supply their own grocery bags, boxes or bins. 


charitable registration #89018 0391 RR0001

Privacy Policy - see FAQs

55 Newkirk Rd.

Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3G4

Client Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 - 11:30 am

Donation Drop-offs: Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

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